Definitions Boron


Boron is a trace element found in the earth's soil and water. It is also present in small amounts in certain foods, including apples and pears, vegetables, legumes, and nuts.

Although boron is not currently recognized as essential for humans, research suggests that it plays a supportive role in several bodily functions:


Boron is thought to be involved in calcium exchange and bone metabolism. It helps the body use and metabolize key vitamins and minerals involved in bone health, such as calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D. Some research suggests that boron may help prevent osteoporosis.


Boron may help reduce the symptoms of arthritis. Some research shows that in regions of the world with low boron content in the soil and food, arthritis rates are higher.


Some research suggests that boron may help regulate hormones, including estrogen and testosterone.

Boron aids magnesium absorption which leads to reduction of cortisol which in turns increases testosterone.

Some studies have shown that boron supplementation can decrease the levels of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) in the blood. It is hypothesized that boron interacts with the structure of SHBG in such a way that reduces its ability to bind these hormones.

Boron, by reducing the level of SHBG, leads to a decrease in hormones bound to these proteins—more hormones become available in their free form. As a result, the levels of free testosterone and estradiol in the body increase.


Boron may support cognitive function. Some research shows that a boron deficiency can lead to poor cognitive performance, while boron supplementation can improve tasks related to motor speed and dexterity, attention, and short-term memory.


Boron is known to play a role in maintaining the structural integrity of plant cell walls, and it may play a similar role in humans.


Boron may have anti-inflammatory effects, which can be beneficial for overall health.


Some research suggests that boron may support wound healing.

As soil quality has declined worldwide, the presence of boron in plant-based food is much less than before.

In this regard, I recommend consuming boron in the form of dietary supplements.

The role of boron in the male body is very important.

The risk profile is minimal.

~5-6 mg per day.