Lessons Factory reset

Factory reset

Kuka ·

Here I explain how to pull yourself out from the current state, restructure your position, and get rid of the unnecessary to create a new foundation for something new and meaningful.

What defines the life of men? The elements, nature, context, and environment. Man is the top of the food chain, the most powerful predator on planet Earth. Why? Because we have acquired adaptability. We adapt better than other animals and can survive in any conditions: Eskimos, Africans, Papuans, Filipinos - living by water bodies, in jungles, in steppes. We are all products of this adaptation. Look at your culture and people and understand what allowed them to survive and cope with situations. This is adaptation.

Speaking of personal development, modeling surrounding authorities and dominant individuals, whether men or women, affects us. This is observed in any family: boys grow up to resemble their fathers, girls - their mothers. Want to know what your wife will be like? Talk to her mother and in 20-30 years you will see the same woman. It's quite obvious.

Now about heredity and trauma. I wrote about Gabor Maté earlier, the author of the book "The Myth of Normal." The book states that traumas are hereditary and fundamental. I call traumas the totem of the soul. Indigenous Americans and Indians have totems. For example, in the cartoon "Brother Bear," a boy turns into a bear - this is his totem. I suggest looking at your traumas as a totem that shapes you. The totem is already standing, but you must build around it so that it is a support and foundation.

Speaking of heredity, trauma genetics, and traumas, it is important to understand that genetics are undoubtedly important, but trauma is the key link. Traumas are the predecessors of genetics. According to Gabor Maté: great-grandmother, great-grandfather, their children, their children, and then you. What your predecessors experienced, you continue. This is similar to reincarnation in the cartoon "Avatar." We are all descendants of people who experienced certain traumas. Adaptation to traumas can be either an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on the environment you're in.

Now about stress. No matter the environment, modern life is full of stress, more mental than physical. Stress is any pressure that depletes resources. Urban stress is different from rural stress, but there is stress in the village too. No one lives without stress. A certain degree of stress is beneficial, otherwise, atrophy sets in, which can be worse than a lot of stress.

What defines a man's position in society? Social position, as with all primates, varies in every culture. Each culture values different qualities: strength, intelligence, appearance, style. It is important to understand the environment you want to operate in. Don't play games where you can't win. If you play chess, don't come with checkers.

All primates have a hierarchy. In any group, everyone has a role. The role of the dominant also changes: a small gorilla can punish a large one. We must play games where our position does not weaken over time. For example, a successful investor can win up to 100 years old, like Charlie Munger. Sports or bodybuilding do not give long-term advantages. Not everyone becomes Schwarzeneggers.

Now about coping - stress overcoming methods embedded in personality formation. Each person has their coping methods. Coping can result in dependencies, workaholism, or compulsive working. A productive dependence can be beneficial, but it's still a dependence. People will compensate and overcome stress no matter what.

East and West. The human essence does not change. We haven't changed much over the last 600 years. States were formed, industrialization, corporatism - society changed, but not people. Language is a closed universe of concepts that determines mutual understanding. Language carries deep meanings understood at the existential level.

Personality flexibility and brain neuroplasticity are proven scientific facts. Brain flexibility declines if not continuously strained. We are different in different languages, because another language means another structure. We possess different states, and it's necessary to determine your states. I understood this at 17: who I am with friends, with girls, for the family. It is important not to mix states and retain the core.

We are all slaves to life because we live not by our will. No one chose to live, and no one chooses to die. We define our states and must establish a will to the state. It's necessary to understand what state you want to be in and develop it.

The state of "able, can, power" is a product of the endocrine system, physical constitution, state of mind, cognitive setup, and decisive actions. The endocrine system is hormones that determine behavior. Male indicators like beard and muscles are linked to the endocrine system. The state of mind is the state of victory achieved by cognitive setup. To win, you need to set yourself up for victory and put your life on the line.

Define boundaries: where you came from, from where you took your states. Work on therapy to understand the nature of your states and get rid of the unnecessary. Trauma is a totem of the soul, and you need to gain strength through trauma. Traumas are modeled, and a grandson experiences traumas experienced by a great-grandfather.

Now about productivity. You need to buy yourself time by entering a state of productivity. Reaching a state where you can work and achieve something, you prioritize yourself. You need to feel your needs and understand where you are going.

Reset to factory settings. By acquiring the necessary state and cleaning everything, you will free up space for calibration. Calibrating the endocrine system and eliminating dependent patterns will help to build new patterns. Neuroplasticity is the ability to create new ones.

Any activity you do by default is coping. For example, for me, the computer and everything related to it were a coping method. A productive coping method can be beneficial, but it's still a dependence.

Calibrating the endocrine system. We eliminate everything created after the agricultural revolution, monitor water and air, eliminate carbohydrates, and switch to carnivory. We eliminate plant foods as they can be toxic. Focus on animal food, eliminate sugars, and switch to fats. Enter ketosis mode, burning fats, and improving brain performance.

Switching to carnivory and fasting will help you slow down aging and regenerate cells. Practice intermittent fasting, drink fluids and electrolytes, and prepare simple but quality food for yourself.

Minimizing the environment. Get rid of unnecessary things, alcohol, coffee, and remove labels. Create an environment conducive to your actions. For instance, place a kettlebell in the bathroom and exercise every time you go there. This will help keep your focus and not scatter.

Optimize the environment. Use noise-cancelling headphones, listen to Binaural Beats and Lo-Fi, clean dock menus, and use password managers. Universal mail and Mail Forwarding Services will help you avoid spam and maintain privacy.

No tech in the bedroom. The bedroom is only for sleep, sex, and relaxation. Avoid using phones in bed and create sleep hygiene.

The process is gradual. Gradually add new elements to your life, experiment, and find optimal methods. Reassemble yourself, get results, and create a new foundation.

What brought you here won't take you further. You need new methods, new practices, and new ideas.

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