Thoughts Being a minority is an advantage.

Being a minority is an advantage.

Kuka ·

I want to share the thought that being a minority is an advantage.

If you've ever felt different from others, it will either make you or break you.

Here, I suggest looking at how this can strengthen you, how it can help you differentiate.

The essence of the whole idea is that you are one of a kind. You are a unique person with unique experiences. There is no one else like you. You are one of a kind in the whole world, among all billions of people.

You are one of a kind.

The point is that the system you experience in your life tries to make you uniform, just like someone else. If you were in a school with 30 kids in your class, the system tried to make you one of those 30 people. And so it continued year after year, through the environment.

If you have siblings, cousins, etc., human nature leads to you becoming average among these people.

Unfortunately, many reach a point and do not realize how individual they are, how different they are, how they have something that sets them apart, something that is bursting to come out, but it is restrained because they are afraid. If you are listening and you're even 20 years old, you might not understand this; you can still be looking for answers that aren't needed—they are already there, they have always been there, just obscured by dust and need to be cleared away.

Spending a lot of time alone and experiencing various things alone is necessary to understand oneself because different experiences reveal different facets of you. For instance, when I first traveled alone, it helped me understand who I am, what I value, and what I do not value.

When you're around people you grew up with, it's very easy to forget where your boundaries end and someone else's begin. There's even a saying and advice that if you want to know if you should be in a relationship with someone, you should travel with them on a long journey. Journeys present obstacles, stress, and people quickly show their temperaments, preferences, tolerance, and impatience, and so forth.

Now, to determine how much you have been shaped by this uniform system, I want to ask if you feel like you are one of a kind, or are you like everyone else? Do you feel that you do not stand out? Because I have talked about this before, and I have heard many times about it. What do I have to offer? I'm just like everyone else. I have nothing special to offer.

I have heard this often, especially among young people who have not yet made their mark. And it's a kind of fear because, well, what about me, what about me? I'm just ordinary, just ordinary after all. And the answer is that you're that way because you've told yourself so. It's no other way.

And the question of how to identify this is very easy. Did you follow your own path, or did you follow the advice of your father, brother, society?

Were you able to trust yourself and justify your trust in yourself to gain confidence in your judgment, in your beliefs, in your faith, in your adequacy?

If you haven't done that, you need to start with the very basics. It feels strange to even talk about this, but if you ask someone what their favorite dish is and they don't understand, and you can't explain to yourself, yes, I love this particular thing, it's simple. For example, if you know what food you love, the type you can't live without, then it clearly shows that your personality has been smothered, and no one will un-smother it if you don't do it yourself.

You must teach yourself to identify what is yours and what isn't. Maybe orange juice is for you, maybe not. Both are fine. But you should definitely know; you can't afford to be neutral about such things. You must allow yourself to express and experience this world in a way that you can clearly understand, this is mine, this is not mine. Going after women is not for me, sports are not for me, but eating right and meditating are for me. Or maybe vice versa, maybe something else. You need to understand your habits, you need to understand how good and pleasant each activity or rest is for you. You might be one of those who loves mountains, or one who loves the ocean, maybe someone who prefers the tropics, or someone who wants to live in the Norwegian fjords.

There is no correct answer for each of these. It is simply the expression of your soul.

To reach such a basic truth and to ask yourself about it is essential, otherwise you might live your whole life without understanding what this life was about. To determine whether you had the time or chance to experience similar things, you must understand whether you have experienced in life what others around you have not.

If you have always been in a certain circle where everything is homogenous, you were not able to experience strong contrasts, then you are fundamentally unable to understand what I'm talking about. Because life is all about contrasts. You can't appreciate warmth if you've never been cold. And the same the other way round, you can't understand how it can be cold. That is, people living in tropical India do not understand what cold is. That is, those people simply cannot understand. Their bodies, throughout their existence, do not understand what cold is.

And I suggest you define for yourself what is within the scope of your experience, within the range of your adequacy and competence. You can clearly define this. This is black, this is white. And where you can say, aha, I don't know this, I haven't tried this.

Whether it's about food, culture, women, clothing, understanding some philosophy, you just need to understand, this is what I understand, this is my area of competence, and this isn't. And clear understanding of competence gives you the possibility, first, to identify your strengths and secondly, to understand where you can grow and how far you can go to extend beyond that zone or else without definition you will just wander, wander, wander and find no answers. Or if you do wander, you won't understand why this answer is relevant or not.

Now, having defined all these boundaries, I suggest you understand how far you are ready to go to reflect yourself, your personality, and your path. Because without this commitment, without significant investment, you will be very unclear where the end is, where it starts, and where you are going. Because if you are ready to go all the way to express your "I", all doors will be open to you. Because you will not see barriers, because this is your expression.

This is simply your expression.

But if you fold at the first barrier, it simply means that you did not choose the path of expression. That is, we noticed, yes, over the past 2-3 videos, it's about defining one factor, one variable, one constant, and keeping everything else around it. If the benchmark is X, then the task is to have X multiplied by 1.1 every day or every month. It's the same here. If it's about being ready to go, it's simple. Yes, I'm ready to go. And you define for yourself, yes, from 0 to 100, how ready you are to go. And you go, according to your pace and matter, and so on.

Now, having defined your "I" and starting to express it, you will realize that those around might not understand you. And being understood is very difficult in life. Very seldom is anyone fully understood. People might think they understand you, or pretend they understand you. In reality, deep understanding does not exist among people because human communication is very limited. That is, even people living together for a long time may fundamentally not understand each other. They play roles, fulfill their duties according to these relationships. But there may not be true understanding. And that's normal.


Because you, again, were born alone, you will die alone. You live life alone. You are responsible for all your decisions in life. No matter how you look at it. Now the question is about how quickly you understand this. You might understand this at 5 years old, at 10, at 20, at 15, at 30, at 50. Unfortunately, there are people who may take a very long time to understand this. And then they wonder why their life is the way it is.

Now, continuing this thought, I want to say that identifying yourself with those around you is a thankless task. This sort of locality, like we are such-and-such, we are from the south, we are from the north, we are such-and-such, we are from the west, or our nation is such-and-such, we are known for this, I should be like this. You shouldn't be anything in particular. That is, you are simply as you are. And you can differ from those around you, and that's normal. It's not about that. The point is, can you be honest with yourself and clearly define, this is my circle, I am in this circle, and the circle defines this. This is my strong side, I am competent in this, and I am not competent in that. And possibly, I may never be, or maybe, I will be.

And by defining yes-no, usually yes, well, with logical reasoning, we can simply understand where the next step is, and whether it's necessary to step outside this circle, or maybe, it's necessary to build a mound on this circle, or you can go deeper.

And all of these options will be correct, but only you can define these options.

Because it's your life and you are the one to live it.

With you was Kuka Smog.

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